York University
2001 TEL
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON  M3J 1P3
416.736.2100 ext. 33616

Concordia University
Department of
Communication Studies
7141 Sherbrooke W.,
L-CJ 3.329
Montreal, QC  H4B 1R6
514.848.2424, ext. 2535


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Haunting on Waverly - Montréal

Added by MML

Have you experienced spectral interference? Sensed the existence of entities invisible to the naked eye? We have proof that ghosts are in fact in the machine? Bring along your Bluetooth enabled mobile device and be discovered!

Join us for a cellular séance...

October 31, 2009 - 18:30 - 21:00

Dépanneur le Pick-Up
7032 Rue Waverly (south of Jean Talon)

$$ Canned food for shelter relief $$

Presented by the Mobile Media Gallery
Curated by Andrea Zeffiro
Mobile Media Lab - Montréal/Toronto

For more information contact Andrea Zeffiro.