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Suzanne deCastell talk at York on February 8, 2010

Added by Sanja


Suzanne de Castell
Simon Fraser University

"One Code to Rule Them All": Digital Ties and Bindings

Monday, February 8, 2010.
3:00 – 5:00 pm

Play:CES Lab
York University
Technology-Enhanced Learning building
Room TEL 2001

All are welcome!

The purpose of this talk will be to consider problems and prospects of interdisciplinary inquiry by reference to the possibilities afforded by digital code to bring productively together kinds of data traditionally regarded as distinctively 'qualitative' and 'quantitative'. Illustrations of work that might hope to bridge this 'great divide' will be offered. The institutional need to develop intra-disciplinary inquiry that affords to the
presently 'ailing' social sciences and humanities the levels and kinds of resources enjoyed across applied sciences and technologies will be addressed.

Suzanne de Castell is a professor at Simon Fraser University. She has written extensively on digital games, education, learning, and serious play. In 2000 De Castell has received Wired Woman “Pioneer in Technology and New Media” Award, Women in the Spotlight, and B.C. Research Partnership Award. In 2004 she was awarded Y.W.C.A. “Women of Distinction” Award 2004 for Education: “Learning for Life”